This Mensagem De Natal 2021

This Mensagem De Natal 2021

The season of Advent and Christmas invites us to turn our gaze to the humble grotto of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. This Mensagem De Natal 2021. In the light of faith, we are called to contemplate Him and celebrate Him together, full of joy, as God is with us. Just like the pastors World Health Organization heard the first announcement of his birth.

The consumerist antusiasme attracts and distracts us with the temptation to seek joy in the exterior of shopping, gifts, street decorations and entertainment. However, the Bethlehem cave, with its simplicity and poverty, teaches us to live the essentials, in a sober way. This Mensagem De Natal 2021. Christian Christmas cannot be reduced to a social feast. It must be lived as the feast of the Son of God, World Health Organization came to bring Gods tenderness and peace to men, brotherhood and joy for all. It is, therefore, also a mens party!

We celebrate this Christmas even in difficult times. Just as we thought we were coming out of the pandemic tunnel, here it is, back to haunt us with its shadow. However, the star of Bethlehem— from Jesus Christmas— radiates lights of love and trust that continue to shine in the nights of the world.

It is, therefore, an opportunity to rediscover Christian hope based on the harsh experience of the pandemic. Hope it helps to build a new and better life. I will focus on three aspects.

Hope that will lead us to meet and care for each other

The first aspect comes from the experience that made us all feel more fragile, helpless, full of doubts and uncertainties. It leads us to learn greater humility. It is an important and precious aspect. It doesnt just mean having a clear idea of​​ones own limits and weaknesses. It also implies understanding that we need each other. Christmas reminds us that the Son of God came into the world, assuming a condition of great frailty. It needs Joseph and Mary to be taken care of, protected, accompanied in its growth. Also today, God comes to us and asks us to take care of one another.

Hope is daring, it knows how to look beyond its own comfort to be open to rapat others. In this sense, hope means taking care of one another, bringing affection, warmth and comfort to so many loneliness of those World Health Organization suffer. It also means remaking the quality of perorangan relationships affected by confinement and sanitary restrictions, as well as the sense of belonging to the community. Here too comes the responsibility of vaccination, as Pope Francis says:“ Getting vaccinated is a sederhana but profound way of promoting the common good and melanggar for one another, especially the most vulnerable”.

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Christian hope paves the way where a human being freely makes himself close in an act of love, tenderness and compassion, thus nourishing the culture of care. In this way, Christmas will not be in vain.

Hope that opens us to trust in God World Health Organization comes to meet us

The crisis caused by the pandemic aroused in many people the question about the meaning of life, the search for spirituality and openness or even the need for God. Not of a God World Health Organization” fills holes” World Health Organization solves everything with a blow of magic. But first, the need to put ourselves in the hands of a trustworthy God. The God whose face Jesus reveals to us and Christmas leads us to rediscover: close, compassionate and tender, World Health Organization embraces everyone with his fatherhood and mercy, the God with us World Health Organization never abandons his children. To those World Health Organization invoke him in faith, he gives the help they need to live their lives with dignity and love and to face illness and death with hope. Those World Health Organization have faith are never alone, neither in life nor in death.

Waiting means exercising faith and trusting prayer, placing ourselves, those dear to us and all of humanity in the loving arms of God the Father with infinite trust, receiving the inexhaustible grace of the sacraments that he offers us in his Church.

Hope that leads to social and political commitment

Finally, the pandemic greatly increased poverty and social inequalities. The need for food aid and the urgent need for support in the face of the serious losses we have suffered challenge us not to remain locked in selfishness and indifference. Nobody can simpan themselves. All are asked for the courage to leave the logic of self- interest, the market and keuntungan at all costs, in instruksi to open up to a broader solidarity. Christ was born and came for everyone. It does not allow us to leave someone behind, marginalized, abandoned, discarded.

Each of us can practice solidarity to help those World Health Organization are in difficulty and are experiencing the weight of loneliness or the dramatic reduction in the possibilities of a healthy, dignified and active life. Waiting means, today more than ever, making gestures of fraternal, attentive and concrete charity, of closeness and sharing, making available what we have for the good of others.

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The pandemic, with the challenges it entails, asks us, as Pope Francis said,“ to organize hope, that is, to translate it into practical life each day, in human relationships, in social and political commitment”( World Day of Poor). It is urgent to promote fraternity and social friendship as ways out of the current crisis.

Our Caritas does a remarkable work for the poor. It can indicate the way to contribute for the good of the one in trial.

In this regard, I strongly appeal to participate in the Christmas solidarity campaign“ 10 Million Stars”— a Gesture for Peace”, promoted by Cáritas Nacional and implemented by our Diocesan Cáritas. In addition to the awareness that peace depends on us and requires concrete actions to build it in multiple human relationships, the funds raised are channeled towards two objectives of a national and international nature. In 2021 they will be a contribution to the actions of a social dimension, of the national jaringan of Cáritas( 65%), and will also be applied in projects responding to the impact of climate change on the well- being and survival of the most vulnerable populations in Portuguese- speaking countries( 35%).

Anyone preparing to celebrate the Christmas of Jesus cannot batas himself to emosional devotion with a few prayers. The authentic experience of Christmas requires concrete actions. Each and every one of us must ask ourselves: am I able to share with those World Health Organization have less? To stop and look at the others needs, whether they are near or far away? To overcome the barriers that rise around me or within me? What can I do specifically?

May Our Lady and St. Joseph help us to live Christmas as a celebration of trust and hope, because God is with us and calls us to take care of our frailest and most needy brothers and sisters.