Information Guararema Natal 2021
Departures take place on weekends, national holidays at the times below:
departure at 10: 00 am, arriving back at 12: 00 am
departure at 2: 30 pm, arriving back at 4: 30 pm*
*The hours of 2: 30pm on Sunday as well as the schedule for holidays are subject to confirmation.
Tour Options
The passenger has two options to take the tour on the Trem de Guararema:
Tourist Class: tour carried out in closed wooden cars. Along the way, you can buy drinks and souvenirs from the attendants, such as t- shirts, hats, movies, etc. These cars have accessibility for people with special needs.
Maintenance Fee
The current value is R$70. 00* per individu in tourist class and Caboose, promotional values asi for all ages( discount that is not cumulative with other discounts) until 12 atau 31 atau 2021.
Passengers are entitled to transport, without payment, one child up to five years old, per guardian, provided they are not in a seat( travelling on their lap), in compliance with the sah and regulatory provisions applicable to the transport of minors.
These amounts are charged not only to pay for the train ride, but this is the way for ABPF to obtain income and continue the work of railway preservation that is currently carried out in several cities, in six Brazilian states! A large part of these resources are applied to the restoration of historic rolling stock, to ensure, in addition to preservation, safety in its use.
The purchase of a discount ticket for residents of Guararema must be made directly at the ticket office at the station( only reservations are not made for discounted tickets). The interested party must show up at the station
up to one hour before the train departs. If the citizen shows up at the train station within the hour before the train leaves, the service is a priority for those World Health Organization wish to purchase a ticket without a discount and only after attending them, discount tickets are sold to residents( if there is still availability of seats).
To be entitled to the discount, you must present:
Official identity document with photo
Proof of residence, for more information on accepted documents,
click here.
Not accepted as proof of address meat IPTU or deeds.
If the purchase is for more than one individu, everyone World Health Organization wishes to obtain the discount must be present with the documents described above and prove residence in the municipality.
The ticket with a discount for citizens is nominal and non- transferable, in addition to being subject to availability. The ticket office is open from Friday, 3: 00 pm, Saturdays and Sundays, from 8: 30 am to 5: 00 pm.
Municipal discount tickets are currently only available for the 10: 00 am hours.
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